NCDP Resources

  • COVID-19, politics, and social vulnerability
  • Fourteen months into the Covid-19 pandemic, What do we miss the most?
    • Irwin Redlener, MD; Sean Hansen, MPA; Lauren D. Esposito, MS; Jonathan Sury, MPH, CPH, polling brief.
  • 130,000 – 210,000 Avoidable COVID-19 Deaths – And Counting In The U.S.
  • Is it safe to send my child to school? 
    • NCDP has created a resource guide for policymakers, educators, and parents to navigate the difficult choices regarding sending children to school.
  • Work in the Time of Pandemic, Phase 1

RCRC Toolbox

  • The RCRC Initiative has launched a set of community-voice led and data-driven interactive Issue Briefs which highlight key areas for policy and advocacy around the the needs of children after disasters with special attention to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The RCRC Toolbox contains a wide variety of preparedness and planning resources for all-hazards planning. As new COVID-19 resources become available, they will be added as additional tools.
    • To assist in locating COVID-19 related tools in the RCRC Toolbox, we have assembled a brief selection of relevant items. Download the collection in English and Spanish.
  • Dr. Redlener and the NCDP team have created a child-focused tool titled “Children and Coronavirus: A Guide for Families and Providers.” The tool is available in English and Spanish.
  • Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) has become a new reality as we now practice those principles on a daily basis. A comprehensive COOP plan template, worksheets, and tools are available in English and Spanish.
  • On March 19th NCDP hosted a live webinar titled “Continuity of Operations Planning in a time of COVID-19: COOP for Child-serving & Community Organizations” where Jeff Schlegelmilch contextualizes COOP planning during COVID-19. English and Spanish subtitles available.
  • Children of Puerto Rico and COVID-19: At the Crossroads of Poverty and Disaster Webinar Series
    • NCDP in collaboration with the Institute for Youth Development (IDJ) and the Puerto Rico Children and Youth Task Force (CYTF), is hosting a series of seven topically-focused discussions focused on the impacts of COVID-19 and the children of PR. Visit the Webinar homepage for slides and video recordings.
    • To summarize presentations and key takeaways, a Webinar Proceedings has been created to provide an executive summary and resources for all sessions. The proceedings are available in English and Spanish and are also available in the RCRC Toolbox.
  • Building Up Communities & Breaking the COVID-19 Divide Webinar Series
    • NCDP, in collaboration with Children’s Health Fund, collaborated on two-part webinar series titled Building Up Communities & Breaking the COVID-19 Divide geared toward health care providers and child-serving institutions. In this two-part sessions, speakers engaged in a discourse centered on the social determinants of health and mental health as they relate to COVID-19. Visit the Webinar homepage for slides and video recordings.

NCDP Perspectives

  • Crisis Leadership in a Pandemic
    • NCDP’s Joe Pfeifer draws on his years of experience in his two-page guide, “Crisis leadership for a pandemic.” This two-page guide presents clear guiding principles for leaders during this time.
  • Reporting and COVID-19: A Webinar Series for Journalists
  • Community Planning for Economic Recovery
    • An Economic Resource guide was created to assist a wide variety of audiences in navigating financial concerns during COVID-19. [Updated 1/26/2021]
  • Journal of Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness (DMPHP)
    • Deputy Director Jeff Schlegelmilch and Research Scientist Thomas Chandler serve as a Deputy Editor and Associate Editor, respectively, for DMPHP. The journal has a special call and rapid review for COVID-19 related articles that will be available without a paywall, along with other COVID-19 articles from Cambridge Journals here.
  • Earth Institute LIVE
    • On March 26th, Irwin Redlener, Jeff Schleglmilch, and Jeff Shaman joined Earth Institute Director Alex Halliday for a COVID-19 Briefing webinar. The webinar covered COVID-19 epidemiology, impacts on the health care system, systems readiness, and social impacts.

NCDP Pandemic Flu Reports and Publications

  1. Yoon Soo Park, L.B.-G., Jonathan J. Sury, Do Shared Barriers When Reporting to Work During an Influenza Pandemic Influence Hospital Workers’ Willingness to Work? A Multilevel Framework. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2015. 9 (02): p. 175-185. LINK
  2. Kanter, R.K., Would triage predictors perform better than first-come-first-served in pandemic ventilator allocation? Chest, 2014. LINK
  3. David M. Abramson, L.W., Jonathan J. Sury, Hillary Cohen, Broadcasting Flu Messages – Citywide Transmission and Community Reception: An Evaluation of Ready New York’s pandemic influence outreach campaign. 2009, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University: New York, NY. p. 1-37. LINK
  4. Rahul Gupta, D.M.A., Comparison of Urban Transit Planning Responses to Pandemic Influenza. 2007, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University p. 35. LINK
  5. Morse, S.S., The US pandemic influenza implementation plan at six months. Nat Med, 2007. 13 (6): p. 681-4. LINK
  6. Morse, S.S., Pandemic Influenza: Studying the lessons of history. PNAS, 2007. 104 (18): p. 7313 – 7314. LINK
  7. Lisa Soloff, G.A.T., Unanticipated Consequences of Pandemic Flu: School-Related Issues: A Preliminary Literature Review. 2007, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. p. 7. LINK
  8. Gregory A. Thomas, S.S.M., Wilmer Alvarez, Lisa Soloff, David M. Abramson, Irwin E. Redlener, The New York City Principals Pandemic Flu Survey: Are Schools Prepared?, in NCDP Info Brief. 2007, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. LINK
  9. Elizabeth J. Fuller, D.M.A., Jonathan J. Sury, Unanticipated Consequences of a Pandemic Flu in New York City: A Neighborhood Focus Group Study. 2007, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University: New York. LINK
  10. Andrew L. Garrett, K.B.G., Interventions to Mitigate the Reduced Ability and Willingness to Work of Health Care Workers During a Pandemic Influenza Public Health Emergency. 2007, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. p. 11. LINK
  11. Stephen S. Morse, R.L.G., Paula J. Olsiewski, Next Flu Pandemic: What to Do Until the Vaccine Arrives? Science, 2006. 314 (10.1126/science.1135823): p. 929. LINK
  12. Elizabeth J. Fuller, D.M.A., Melissa Ruth Eng-Wong, Unanticipated Consequences of Pandemic Flu: Transportation Related Issues: A Preliminary Literature Review. 2006, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University. LINK
  13. Donald R. Olson, L.S., Paul J. Edelson, Stephen S. Morse, Epidemiological evidence of an early wave of the 1918 influenza pandemic in New York City. PNAS, 2005. 102 (31): p. 11059 – 11063. LINK
  14. Jeff Schlegelmilch, C. D. (2020). Initial Coronavirus Disease–2019 Closure Strategies Adopted by a Convenience Sample of US School Districts: Directions for Future Research. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-2. doi:10.1017/dmp.2020.147 LINK

Other Resources

  • During the H1N1 pandemic, NCDP collaborated with HITN to produce a documentary chronicling the impact on elusive communities such as undocumented immigrants. The documentary film can be viewed here.