Building a Community-based Model, with the Community
From 2015-2018, the National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP), in partnership with Save the Children, funded by a grant from GSK, developed a community-based model of child-focused disaster preparedness. The first phase of the initiative focused on building long-term resilience among two pilot communities through Community Resilience Coalitions (CRC) and nationally through policy advocacy, and dissemination of the community-based resilience model and resources. The culmination of these efforts was a high-impact congressional briefing with bipartisan representation as well as the RCRC Toolbox, a curated resource of child-focused preparedness and planning tools.
RCRC Communities: Local Action
The RCRC Initiative in its second phase (2019-2020), was led by NCDP to extend the model developed in its pilot phase into areas recovering from disasters. The reach expanded to include four new communities affected by hurricanes Florence and Maria, in North Carolina and Puerto Rico, respectively, to rebuild back stronger and more resilient with a keen focus on children.
A key measure of success is the Community Preparedness Index (CPI), an evidence-based measure of community preparedness previously developed by National Center for Disaster Preparedness for Save the Children. Collecting these data at the baseline and conclusion of each phases allowed for an objective evaluation of local progress. Additionally, the RCRC Initiative tracked the development and implementation of Community Resilience Coalition (CRC) Action Plans, and development and implementation of community-wide HSEEP-compliant exercises. Nationally, success was measured in the identification of policy levers and advocacy opportunities, as well as representation at national events and conferences.
National Impact
The RCRC Initiative worked to bring the perspectives and voices of the Community Resilience Coalitions to stakeholders among federal agencies that have a role in disaster preparedness, response and recovery, as well as national organizations and congressional legislators. Through agency meetings, congressional briefings, conferences, op-eds and media appearances the RCRC Initiative sought to better inform policy to help create existing policy levers and create new opportunities to further cultivate community-based child-focused resilience to disasters.
Fact Sheets
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