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(0:00) Welcome and Opening Remarks (11:30) Jeffrey Sachs, PhD (28:55) Irwin Redlener, MD
(32:01-59:17) Covering an Epidemic – What We’re Learning from Ebola and What Journalists Need to Know (32:00 & 36:55) Richard Besser, MD (31:04 & 33:24) Celia Dugger
(59:32) Panel 1: Ebola Fundamentals: What are the Major Challenges? Moderator: Jeff Schlegelmilch (1:01:07) Ranu Dhillon, MD (1:10:17-1:15:34) Sheri Fink, MD (1:15:45-1:21:36) Anne Liu, MPH (1:22:05-1:36:32) Robert Kanter, MD
(2:15:56) Panel 2: Is Science Keeping Up with the Demands of Ebola – and Challenges to Come? Moderator: David Abramson, PhD, MPH (2:37:51-2:54:05) Robert Klitzman, MD (2:18:03-2:36:47) Stephen Morse, PhD
(3:17:51) Closing Remarks (3:18:02-3:32:45) Chernor Bah, MA (3:32:46) Jeffrey Sachs, PhD (3:35:27) Irwin Redlener, MD
October 27, 2014 | 1:00 pm-5:00 pm EST Faculty House, Columbia University 64 Morningside Drive, New York, NY Maps: Large | Zoom | Google Maps
The Ebola crisis is growing, requiring a massive emergency response. The National Center for Disaster Preparedness (@columbia_ncdp), in collaboration with the Earth Institute (@earthinstitute), will bring together experts and stakeholders for a timely and educational conference on the Ebola outbreak.
Please join us in-person or via the web for a multi-disciplinary dialogue which will focus on how best to curb the epidemic, understand its impacts—particularly in terms of bioethical and sustainability implications—and mitigate future high-fatality events.
Detailed Program Now Available (Updated 10/24/14): View Here