Missteps at WHO Fueled Ebola’s Spread

The 2014 Ebola epidemic was always going to be deadly, but an Associated Press investigation, featuring quotes by NCDP Director Dr. Irwin Redlener, has found that a string of avoidable errors badly undermined the work of aid workers. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSgexq5qfcE

The Ebola Crisis: What it Means for West Africa & the World

The National Center for Disaster Preparedness, in collaboration with the Earth Institute, brought together experts and stakeholders for a timely and educational conference on the Ebola outbreak on October 27th, 2014. This conference facilitated a multi-disciplinary dialogue which will focus on how best to curb the epidemic, understand its impacts—particularly in terms of bioethical and …

Be Prepared for the Unexpected: Public Health Pearls of Wisdom

This research videography project aimed to preserve the institutional memory of, and forever capture, the universal pieces of wisdom of 10 current and former New York metropolitan-area health department employees with over 250 years of combined experience. These video-driven trainings preserve the institutional memory of the health department by leveraging the undocumented knowledge, skills, experience, …