NCDP & CRLC Preparedness Month Activities Highlighted in ASPPH Friday Letter

The Center has designed two innovative approaches to strengthen community preparedness, response and recovery capabilities for agencies, workforce, and individuals. Reaching Our Communities’ Vulnerable Populations – CLRC is building an agency-staff-client centered curriculum entitled “Disaster Planning for Community-Based Human Service Organizations and Their Clients: The Community’s Most Vulnerable Populations.” The Preparedness Wizard: Personal Preparedness in …

Jeter’s Leaders and the National Center for Disaster Preparedness Community Collaborative: Integrating Disaster Preparedness at the Community Level

In 2012 NCDP developed an interactive workshop and Train the Trainer certificate program for use by programs like Jeter’s Leaders, which prepare high school aged students to serve as community preparedness messengers. Students, as leaders in their communities, are trained to promote awareness of emergency preparedness and increase preparedness levels within their communities. Students learn …

Harlem Children’s Zone: High school students, Community Health Messengers H1N1

In 2009 H1N1, a new and not well understood virus appeared in New York City. Reliable scientific information regarding what the virus was, who was at risk and how the population could protect itself was very much on the minds of parents and school officials.  A trusted source was needed, to give clear information and …