

ENHANCE system readiness for disasters; EDUCATE and train the workforce to build resilience from catastrophic events; FOSTER community preparedness and engagement; UNDERSTAND population vulnerability; and ANALYZE strategies to improve disaster recovery.

In Focus

A Nationwide Statistical Analysis in Zambia

Farmers’ knowledge improves the identification of drought impacts.

California Wildfire Map Hub

NCDP has assembled official data sources that track wildfire perimeters, damage, individual assistance, weather, and demographics.

Wildfires in California

Why have the L.A. fires been so catastrophic?

What We Do

Training + Education

Since NCDP’s founding in 2003, NCDP has provided education and training to the workforce for more than 100,000 learners through web-based, instructor-led, virtual, and hybrid training.


NCDP conducts impact-oriented multi-disciplinary research to inform the readiness of governmental and non-governmental systems, articulate the complexities of post-disaster recovery, demonstrate the power of community engagement, and quantify the risks of human vulnerability.

Practice + Policy

The practice of emergency preparedness and response requires planning and skills in many kinds of emergency preparedness capabilities and skills. At NCDP, we are focused on the analysis and understanding of the beliefs, guiding principles, and broad courses of action and policies to achieve better outcomes following disasters.

Preparedness Tools

NCDP has developed tools and resources to help aid planners, policymakers, individuals and families, and public/private institutions prepare for and respond to disasters to make our communities more resilient.

NCDP Perspectives

LA Fire Disaster: Protecting Children in Physical and Psychological Harm’s Way

The massive fire catastrophe in LA will be remembered as one of the most devastating disasters in modern U.S. history. Having worked on the prevention of, response to, and recovery from megadisasters for many years, I have watched how the devastation of such events impacts communities and people, especially people with important vulnerabilities like chronic …

Columbia Climate School Showcase: Insights and Future Steps

A high school intern reflects on the Columbia Climate School Showcase and its key takeaways. Written by Michelle Rozenfeld, High School Intern at NCDP, Senior at Bergen County Academies As a society, it is evident that we are experiencing more exceptional extremes, both environmentally and socially, than we could have previously imagined for this time …

Nearly two decades after Hurricane Katrina swept through the Gulf Coast, what policies have changed?

A look at some key legislation since Hurricane Katrina. By Zayna Syed  Streets that looked like canals, the Superdome surrounded by water, scores of displaced people on highway overpasses—these are some of the historic images that emerged from the floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina. As we approach the hurricane’s 19th anniversary, it is worth looking at how …