The Ebola Crisis: What it Means for West Africa and the World

October 27, 2014 | 1:00 pm-5:00 pm EST
Faculty House, Columbia University
64 Morningside Drive, New York, NY
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The Ebola crisis is growing, requiring a massive emergency response. The National Center for Disaster Preparedness (@columbia_ncdp), in collaboration with the Earth Institute (@earthinstitute), will bring together experts and stakeholders for a timely and educational conference on the Ebola outbreak.

Please join us in-person or via the web for a multi-disciplinary dialogue which will focus on how best to curb the epidemic, understand its impacts—particularly in terms of bioethical and sustainability implications—and mitigate future high-fatality events.

Detailed Program Now Available (Updated 10/24/14): View Here

Hosted By:

  • Jeffrey D. Sachs, PhD, Director, Columbia University | @JeffDSachs
  • Irwin Redlener, MD, Director, National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Columbia University | @IrwinRedlenerMD

Moderated By:

  • David Abramson, PhD MPH, National Center for Disaster Preparedness
  • Jeff Schlegelmilch, MPH MBA, National Center for Disaster Preparedness | @jeffschlegel


  • Chernor Bah, MA, Sierra Leonean Peace Activist and Chair, Youth Advocacy Group, UN Global Education First Initiative | @Cee_Bah
  • Richard Besser, MD, ABC News Chief Medical Editor; former Acting Director, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | @DrRichardBesser 
  • Ranu Dhillon, MD, Senior Health Advisor, Earth Institute and Adjunct Assistant Professor, SIPA; Columbia University | @RanuDhillon
  • Celia Duggar, Deputy Science Editor for Health, The New York Times |  @celiaduggar
  • Robert Kanter, MD, Adjunct Senior Research Scientist; Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine; Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
  • Robert Klitzman, MD, Professor of Psychiatry; Director, Masters of Bioethics Program; Director, Ethics, Policy and Human Rights Core, HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, Columbia University | @RobertKlitzman 
  • Anne Liu, MPH, Program Manager, Health Systems Development, Center on Globalization and Sustainable Development, Earth Institute, Columbia University
  • Stephen Morse, PhD, Director, Infectious Disease Epidemiology Certificate program, Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia University Medical Center | @drSteveMorse 
  • Jay Varma, MD, Deputy Commissioner for Disease Control, NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and former Medical Epidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | @DrJayVarma

To Join:

  • Live Tweets: #ebolacrisis14