Why London and other cities could be “doomed”

Isabel Hilton reports on the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in New York. She speaks to Irwin Redlener, MD of The National Center for Disaster Preparedness and seismologist Klaus Jacobs who tells her why rising sea levels mean London and other cities could be “doomed”.

Lessons not learned: Insider threats in pathogen research

1) Even though America’s most notorious biosecurity breach — the 2001 anthrax mailings — was the work of an insider, expert panels have concluded that there is no need for intrusive monitoring of microbiologists engaged in unclassified research. 2) The debate over publication of studies on the H5N1 virus focused on terrorists and ignored the …

The 1918 influenza pandemic in New York City: age-specific timing, mortality, and transmission dynamics

Background: The 1918 influenza pandemic caused disproportionately high mortality among certain age groups. The mechanisms underlying these differences are not fully understood. Objectives: To explore the dynamics of the 1918 pandemic and to identify potential age-specific transmission patterns. Methods: We examined 1915–1923 daily mortality data in New York City (NYC) and estimated the outbreak duration …

Children’s Health after the Oil Spill: A Four-State Study Findings from the Gulf Coast Population Impact (GCPI) Project

In 2012, with funding from the Baton Rouge Area Foundation, the National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) at Columbia University, in partnership with the Children’s Health Fund, launched a four-state study in order (1) to identify communities of children in the coastal areas of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida who were adversely impacted by the …

At the Crossroads of Long-Term Recovery: Joplin, Missouri Six Months after the May 22, 2011 Tornado

In December 2011, researchers from Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness (NCDP) interviewed key officials and community leaders in Joplin, Missouri in order to document the major themes of the recovery effort approximately six months after the May 22 tornado. Researchers interviewed individuals in Joplin, Missouri to document recovery efforts six months after the …