NCDP's Derrin Culp opines on avian flu virus research and biosecurity Without addressing whether flu-modification experiments should be continued, NCDP Research Associate Derrin Culp says federal and state legislators could alter privacy statutes to “permit more intrusive screening and monitoring” of individuals who handle dangerous biological agents. Such oversight might be comparable to measures focused on people who work with nuclear weapons and related materials, he … Continue reading “NCDP’s Derrin Culp opines on avian flu virus research and biosecurity” Learn More
Harlem Children’s Zone: High school students, Community Health Messengers H1N1 In 2009 H1N1, a new and not well understood virus appeared in New York City. Reliable scientific information regarding what the virus was, who was at risk and how the population could protect itself was very much on the minds of parents and school officials. A trusted source was needed, to give clear information and … Continue reading “Harlem Children’s Zone: High school students, Community Health Messengers H1N1” Learn More