The Hurricane Sandy Person Report: Disaster Exposure, Health Impacts, Economic Burden, and Social Well-Being Jonathan Sury, Jaishree Beedasy, Alexis Merdjanoff, Patricia Findley, Yoon Soo Park, David M. Abramson, Donna Van Alst, Rachael Piltch-Loeb, Lori Ann Peek, Meghan Mordy, Sandra Moroso, Kerrie Ocasio, Jennifer Tobin-Gurley January 01, 2015 The impact a disaster has on the health of a population can be described as having a “dose-response” relationship: the larger the “dose” of the disaster, the greater the health impact or “response” among those individuals and communities exposed. This PERSON Briefing Report describes the impact of Hurricane Sandy (the dose) on the health and well-being of adults and children exposed to the storm (the response). Data for the report are drawn from the baseline survey of the Sandy Child and Family Health (S-CAFH) Study, an observational cohort study of nearly 1,000 randomly-selected New Jersey residents who were living in areas of the state exposed to the storm in 2012. Participants in the study represent over 1 million people living in Sandy’s “Disaster Footprint,” the hurricane-exposed portions of the state. This report describes and examines several critical aspects of individual health and well-being that may be associated with the storm, including: 1. Physical health of adults; 2. Psychological and emotional health of adults; 3. Social and economic health of adults; 4. Health and well-being of children; and 5. The association between disaster exposure and individual outcomes. Learn More Disaster RecoveryDisaster Research